Membership Info

If you enjoy astronomy in the Suncoast Area you have come to the right place. We are a club that puts observing the night sky first.

The Local Group of Deep Sky Observers was formed by amateur astronomers in the Sarasota - Bradenton area in the summer of 1983 to provide observing opportunities that were unencumbered by bright lights.

Annual club dues are $20.00 per family for 1 year, $35.00 for 2 years, or $50.00 for 3 years. Dues are due on January 1st and cover that year. if you join after October 1st, your payment will carry over to cover the following year.

Benefits of membership include star parties, quarterly meetings and presentations and astronomy-related workshops.

In addition, you'll receive the club's quarterly newsletter, and the quarterly Astronomical League newsletter (the Reflector).

Your paid membership in the Local Group also makes you a member of the Astronomical League – a national coalition of astronomy clubs, plus you will have the option to purchase discounted Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazine subscriptions and discounted books and atlases through Sky Publishing and the Astronomical League.

Finally, you will have access to many other Local Group activities, special functions, and equipment support, as well as membership in our members-only section of the LGDSO Forum.

So if you wish to join us, please download a membership application by clicking on the button below and send it in along with your check or money order to:

The Local Group of Deep Sky Observers
4208 5th Avenue West
Palmetto, Florida 34221